About me
My name is Traquanna Mott. I’m a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. I’ve began my fitness journey back in 2020 after I had my son. I was on and off and it was difficult staying consistent. 2021 I decided to make that year, my year! I learned as I went, and I stayed consistent. Of course I made mistakes, and I was uneducated but that didn’t stop me. In 2023 I decided that it was time for me to pay my knowledge forward. I became certified through ISSA. I created workout guides, originally for family and friends, then I noticed strangers were interested too. I worked hard on my fitness guides and plans making sure to pinpoint everything that helped me along the way. My platform started to attract people just like me. Moms who were so close to giving up on their “dream bodies”. That’s what motivated me most. Being able to help other moms during my own personal journey is what kept me going. I started training in person at my local YMCA and met so many amazing people. I was learning more about different techniques, nutrition, and being able to connect with people in the community. I started this site to help others, to show people it’s possible to achieve your dream body through hard work, and consistency. Allow me to help you, become a better you!